Aside from bright neon, lace revisited in a more polished manner, paint splashed accessories, creepers smashed within rope & PVC, animal themed everythinggg...another food for thought--Emmanuelle for Paris Vogue! I've always been a huge fan of Vogue Italia + China (little less ads, more merit in design rather than 'recovering from this doom & gloom economy, blah blah best investment pieces for the long haul...blah blah')
i'm sorry but no one gives a shit about creme de la mer, everyone knows its all hype & vaseline.
Anyways, Emmanuelle always seems to be wearing the same striped stereotypical 'parisienne' crewneck under a balmain blazer & skinnies over architectural styled kirkwoods. I guess being editor in chief and getting handouts from Giuseppe Zanotti means no time for personal style hmm?
its time to wear vibrating banana earrings. indulge.
sombreros anyone?